Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Electricity exports at record high

Raise electricity prices for consumers at home, and make a bundle selling power to neighboring countries.

The Germans took 8 nuclear power plants off the grid in 2102 and, at the same time, increased their surplus power sales to other countries, raking in a surplus of about 1.4 billion euros.

Wind and solar make up a good part of the excess power in the summer months, while imports are a characteristic of the winter months.

We take a short walk to the edge of town, we can see the huge windmills go up on the hill tops, just a year ago there were three that had been there for several years. Now we count 13, and more stumps are reaching for the sky.

One problem with these exports: much of them comes from coal, much of the coal comes from the US.

Coal mined through mountain top removal in Appalachia goes to some extent into exports that fuel German coal fired power plants. Mountain top removal is such an evil practice, a good reminder that the cathedral high windmills outside of town are a truly small price to pay.

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