Sunday, June 23, 2013

Germany giving away drones?

Are the German armed forces running a "get a free drone program"?

How do you get one?

Answer: bring a chair, sit next to an airfield and wait.

This is how we understood a report in today's Spiegel online about drones falling out of the skies.

As the previously respected publication reports, over 120 out of just under 900 drones of the German military fell out of the sky at some point.

The defence department disputes the figures, saying that only 29 took the plunge and the rest performed "controlled emergency landings".

Given our recent dip in trusting any government, you may be surprised to hear that we side with the government on this.

TheEditor is adamant: "I perform controlled emergency landings all the time. Not out of the sky, but right here on the ground. When people see me slip and crash on the wet bathroom floor or on an icy sidewalk in  the winter, they laugh and point fingers. But what they are really witnessing is a controlled emergency procedure.  So, yes, I believe the government."

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