Sunday, June 16, 2013

The bitching Me

Who let the ego out?

TheEditor tweeted over the past week like the mad man he or she is.


Because the amount of utter nonsense and trash that sloshed around the planet after The Guardian published a few screenshots kicked the ego of TheEditor where it doesn't feel so good.

Notwithstanding our often simplified arguments and snide remarks, there can be no doubt that there are many layers to the complex story.
The resulting blog posts were at times funny, at times stupid, and generally somewhere in between.

We think, several of our tweets were very funny, for example this one:
Rumor: Cat of unnamed senator dialled . Man last seen at airport to buy ticket to HK?

Too many hours at the computer, reading articles and blog posts, following Twitter threads certainly re-kindled some dulled analytical skills.

And tweeting honed a new one: getting a point across in 140 characters or less.
Mostly less, in fact, because we included not just the #nsa tag but also the #prism tag.

On Sunday, 16th of June, to our surprise, several tweets remained in the "top" list. On closer reflection, that is likely more due to the scandal fatigue setting in and to the great summer weather in the K-Land than to the quality of our tweets.

We have no idea what is going to happen around the big story but we did make a point, even when wrapped in a joke like in the above example tweet.

Right now, we refrain from telling the world (if Twitter is the world) that we are still way less worried about the present than about the future.

The continued digitization of all of our lives is going to have a price in terms of lives ruined or completely destroyed. Actually, it already has. From the cyberbullied teenager who killed herself to the smarty pants faux cryptogram emails out of Pakistan that meant the sender had to sign over his house to the lawyers and to the glimpses provided by The Guardian into abuse by police in Greece and so on.

One little secret we are tweeting without a hashtag is: we may be wrong in some regards and on a number of specific issues.
We seem to be a little more conservative than we let on, kind of funny and not uncool. Our moral compass is not perfect but it is not spinning like crazy.

People are people, and there are a lot of good government folks not bent on going after others for the sake of furthering their own careers.

At the end of the day, humans will do what they always do. Muddle along in a world that is difficult to understand - and in this regard, we are 100% like the humans of ten, twenty, or fifty thousand years ago.

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