Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The apology tour cont'd

Yikes, the K-Landnews apology tour that started in the aftermath of the surveillance leaks must continue.

TheEditor has already apologized profusely to friends who pegged the current US president as a right-wing Republican, to friends who claimed years ago that Bin Laden won, to friends who talked about pervasive government surveillance, the list goes on.

With deep regret and deep sincerity, TheEditor apologizes to the friend who sent an email asking "have you heard the latest daft punk tunes"?

"May or Cameron?"

"Gee, man, get your mind out of the internet, daft punk are a french music group, google 'em and check youtube."

Had we googled beforehand, we would have realized you, dear friend, were likely talking about French music group Daft Punk and had no intention whatsoever of insulting a high ranking member of a prestigious, democratically elected Western government.

Let our mistake be a warning to all our readers. Don't accuse anybody of anything unless you google first!

Search results in hand, you can then accuse anybody of virtually anything because you will find some sort of "proof" in the internet.

In memory of Jimbo, who passed away on Monday, 19 August 2013. We will think of your antics at the sound of "What ice cream truck?". Farewell.

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