Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Greek debt porn still going strong in German media

It's a figure of speech, folks, just a figure of speech, in case your mind is going places.

This said, the German media reporting on the Greek debt crisis in the past six months has shown all the hallmarks of bad porn, a bad BDSM flick, and the money shot for the established traditional outlets was Mr. Varoufakis riding off into the sunset on his motorcycle with his blonde wife. Not a single paper failed to emphasize her hair color.

Sure, you can argue that Greek cartoonists did not pull any punches when they decorated German politicians' attire with swastikas. But hey, history is what it is, and you cannot tell me that German right-wing extremists didn't relish seeing their beloved symbol in print because they themselves cannot use it without going to prison.
It is all part of the BDSM script, ask an unnamed British prince if you need more examples.

The blogster had hoped things would slow down a little once the "compromise" that Paul Watzlawick might have phrased as a choice of "potatoes or spuds" was signed.

Far from it, the fault lines are growing like welts, continuing to swell when the beating pauses or stops altogether. Maybe that hope simply betrayed the ignorance of the blogster.

Just yesterday, one major German paper ran a section on politicians as toy boys - In debt but sexy. Any takers for a new German show titled The Desperate Housewives of Berlin?

Another paper ran a piece "Rich, beautiful, leftist: social classes in Greece", but only really talked about the country's liberal elite until it got to its very own money shot in the second to last sentence: Instead, all Greeks somehow seemed to feel they are grandchildren of the philosopher Plato. hence, the rest of the world should lie at their feet.
Next is a dig on Mr. Varoufakis as "an example of this theory" and a benevolent nod to his apparently less flamboyant successor.
The paragraph that contains this incendiary statement starts with "if you ask in Greece about the successes of the professors" and subsequently creates the impression that the sentence in question comes from a "renowned Greek intellectual". The intellectual remains anonymous and does not elaborate if he (assuming male) also sees himself as a grandchild of Plato. No explanation as to why the chosen philosopher is Plato - we assume it is because of his work "The Republic".

There have been other views of Mr. V., less Hulk, more devil, such as this photo in a German paper a few days before the deal.

The German reads: Stattdessen fühlten sich alle Griechen irgendwie als Enkel des Philosophen Plato, denen der Rest der Welt zu Füßen liegen müsste.


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